SQL Servers now have in-memory capabilities

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Online transaction processing can stumble on input/output bottlenecks, due to the inefficient use of memory. However, Microsoft intends to streamline the process by introducing in-memory technologies to SQL servers. Basically, this will mean that the entire process can be stored in the memory of the server, and it will no longer depend on the capacity of local hard disks.

A new feature added to SQL servers

For many companies and businesses, it is very important that they are capable of running online transactions at great speed. However, when the inputs and outputs become muddled by the capacities of local hard drives, these processes can take longer than expected.

The new in-memory technology Microsoft intends to implement on SQL servers will allow large databases and database tables to be stored in the memory of the server, which means that the entire process will become more streamlined, then when depending on the processes taking place on a local hard disk.

According to the tests run so far, the new capabilities will allow SQL servers to run such transactions 50 times faster than what it currently happens when using a standard setup for an SQL server.

Who will benefit

Certain companies and businesses are more likely to benefit from the new feature implemented by Microsoft on SQL servers. Online banking and enterprise resource planning are among the systems that are sure to benefit most from the in-memory technology that will be implemented on SQL servers. Another great think about this system is that virtually any amount of information can be loaded in the server RAM, provided that enough external memory is installed and made available.

The benefits of relational databases

While those using the traditional setup for SQL servers may find that this new technology will detract from the benefits of relational databases, no such thing will happen. Actually, the systems that will be implemented will allow the beneficiaries to store the information obtained from transactions on local logs, on their hard disks, just like in the past.

The system will benefit from the so called ACID properties of relational databases. ACID stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability. The information of the same type will be stored in the same manner, clustered together, so that it can be found faster with regular search options.

Ease of use

While IT departments may fear that the new technology will require extra training for incorporating it in the company knowledge, the new feature is exceptional through its ease of use. The new SQL servers will allow administrators to choose the databases and the database tables they want to be run from memory, offering a great degree of control over the information used in this manner.

In trend with the competition

The in-memory technology is not something new of the market, and it was to be expected that Microsoft will decide to update its SQL servers with such capabilities. Similar technologies are already used by Oracle Exadata and SAP HANA. The fact that SQL servers will be updated with the new feature shows only that Microsoft also backs up the in-memory technology.